Country Tax & Financial Services

Country Tax & Financial Services



Growing up in rural central Pennsylvania shaped Nathan Burkey in more ways than one. Like many communities across the Midwest, it was an area that saw an economic downturn when Nate was a child. Some industry left the region and with it, many of the good jobs. From a very young age, Nate’s parents taught him the value of a dollar. He learned to look ahead and plan for the unknowns in the future in order to pay his bills and remain on solid financial footing.


 Nathan Burkey, Owner/Operator of  Country Tax & Financial Services 

Nate explains, “It’s shaped how I work with my clients. If you watch the pennies, the dollars take care of themselves. Keeping your eye on the details and worrying about the small stuff helps bring the large pieces together. The success I have starts with my parents, they taught us what was important and I would not have gotten to this point without them.” His upbringing showed Nate the value of hard work, family, and helping each other. 

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Nate has a hands-on personal approach, visiting clients at their place of business to get the whole picture. 

Nate’s childhood was more than just dollars and cents, there were fun memories of back yard games and plenty of baseball. In fact, baseball eventually brought him to Ohio. After leading his high school team, Nate was offered a baseball scholarship to the University of Akron. He accepted and although his baseball career didn’t continue after college, a special relationship did. Nate met his wife Lindsay in school and they married in the fall of 2011.

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The Burkey Family: Nate, Lindsay, & Their Son Jackson

In 2018, the Burkey family grew by one when the couple welcomed their son. Never one to shy away from a long days work, Nate took on jobs on a dairy farm and in a manufacturing plant to provide for his family before returning to school for accounting. With a growing family and advances in his career, Nate maintained his passion for baseball. It was a friendship he made on the softball field that altered the course of his career for the better. “I was working for an accounting firm in Canton when my teammate was telling me about his business in Wayne County. It was growing like wildfire and he was looking for someone to help him with his books. He offered me a job doing his accounting and it was the push I needed to work with clients on my terms.”

Nate hit the pavement and went door to door asking potential clients to take a chance on him in early 2020. It wasn’t an easy start, especially when COVID hit. Today Nate works with small businesses and individuals throughout Wayne and Holmes Counties. His clients include English and Amish businesses and span a variety of industries. Country Tax is unique because of Nate and his on-site, boots on the ground approach. “I love to see my clients in action, see how things work, and be involved. It is important that I get the entire picture to find solutions and be proactive.” Nate takes a comprehensive approach to put his clients in the best possible spot. He works with financial advisors to look into all areas of a business to ensure he takes advantage of every opportunity. Working with Nate is a more personal experience. “My industry is all about the numbers, but I am about the people. I work with people and families, not just numbers on a spreadsheet.” 

 “Businesses in Wayne County remind me of the families in the community I grew up in. They are hard-working, tight-knit, and help each other out. They need someone who will come alongside them to breakdown the numbers so they can get back to doing what they do best.” 

- Nathan Burkey

The biggest mistake Nate has seen is that too many businesses shy away from an accountant because they think their business is too small or their problems are too big. He explains, “Accounting and tax issues are nothing to be ashamed of. Life happens and sometimes we need help to get back on track. That’s where I come in.” Country Tax offers a no cost initial consultation for small business accounts. Country Tax works on a flat retainer, and in most cases can help businesses save money in the long run. For more information or to schedule a consultation call Nate Burkey at 717-348-3252 

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